The following is known about Vulich’s appearance: “The appearance of Lieutenant Vulich carefully examined his character. Tall stature and dark complexion, black hair, black penetrating eyes, large but correct wearing, belonging to his nation, a sad and cold smile that always wandered on his lips. ..” “...to his expressive eyes...” Vulich has the appearance of a “special creature” capable of original actions: “When Lieutenant Vulich approached the table, everyone fell silent, expecting some original trick from him... "... the appearance of a special creature..." He is a desperate man. He learned about crazy actions, which are explained in the chapter “Fatalist”
The following is known about Vulich’s appearance: “The appearance of Lieutenant Vulich carefully examined his character. Tall stature and dark complexion, black hair, black penetrating eyes, large but correct wearing, belonging to his nation, a sad and cold smile that always wandered on his lips. ..” “...to his expressive eyes...” Vulich has the appearance of a “special creature” capable of original actions: “When Lieutenant Vulich approached the table, everyone fell silent, expecting some original trick from him... "... the appearance of a special creature..." He is a desperate man. He learned about crazy actions, which are explained in the chapter “Fatalist”