Rock and roll
Image of (masterpiece, perfect anatomy, proper finger structure, perfect hands)++, best quality, highres, ultra-detailed, illustration, Large hat, leather jacket, long leather coat, jeans, leather armor, curvy, blue eyes, tanned skin, short hair, playful, guitar in hands, on stage, fantasy, medieval, Chroma missing

(masterpiece, perfect anatomy, proper finger structure, perfect hands)++, best quality, highres, ultra-detailed, illustration, Large hat, leather jacket, long leather coat, jeans, leather armor, curvy, blue eyes, tanned skin, short hair, playful, guitar in hands, on stage, fantasy, medieval,
simple background, open mouth, , (veins, out of frame, bad eyes)++, (worst score, bad score, bad quality, worst quality, low quality, worst anatomy, poor quality)++++, 3D, loli, (bad eyes, worst hands, worst fingers, low quality, extra digits, missing digits)+++, (bad eyes,depth of field, blurry) +++, (greyscale, monochrome)+. 3D face and nose, cropped, lowres, text, jpeg artifact, worst score, animal ears, elf ears, bad res, poor res, horrible res, lowres, worst quality, bad quality, lowres,