Cute elf
Image of masterpiece++, overdetalization++, pixiv++, best shadows++, best lighting++, best quality++, elf girl, blue eyes like the sky, stars are reflected in the eyes, long elf ears, fantasy open dress++, open hips++, open legs++, black hair touches the ground, white-green dress, open shoulders++, open chest++, big breasts++, look at the camera, look at the camera, sitting on the gr in the forest, forest background, surprise, gentle eyes, gentle smile, soft pink lips, pink lips, eyeliner on the eyes, blush on the cheeks, displacement on the cheeks, embarred, long eyelashes, beautiful eyes Chroma mazarimika

Она милашка

masterpiece++, overdetalization++, pixiv++, best shadows++, best lighting++, best quality++, elf girl, blue eyes like the sky, stars are reflected in the eyes, long elf ears, fantasy open dress++, open hips++, open legs++, black hair touches the ground, white-green dress, open shoulders++, open chest++, big breasts++, look at the camera, look at the camera, sitting on the gr in the forest, forest background, surprise, gentle eyes, gentle smile, soft pink lips, pink lips, eyeliner on the eyes, blush on the cheeks, displacement on the cheeks, embarred, long eyelashes, beautiful eyes
(negativeeasy: 1.3), (badhandv4: 1.3), (worst quality: 1.4), (low quality: 1.4), (monochrome: 1.1), (bad_prompt_version2: 0.8), text, jpeg, watermark, artist sign, blurry, out of frame, multiple breasts, (mutated hands and fingers: 1.5), (long body: 1.3), (mutation, poorly drawn: 1.2), poor anatomy, liquid body, liquid tongue, disfigured, malformed, mutated, nonsense anatomical, ui font text, error, malformed hands, long neck, blurry, low, lowres, bad anatomy, bad proportions, bad shadow, uncoordinated body, unnatural body, fused breasts, bad breasts, huge breasts, poorly drawn breasts, extra breasts , liquid breasts, heavy breasts, huge haunch, huge thighs, huge calves, bad hands,